Artificial intelligence for video game and esports content creation

Artificial intelligence for video game and esports content creation

13. April 2023 by miranda angeles

It has recently been announced that VideoVerse and have joined forces; this partnership aims to take artificial intelligence to another level to implement it in creating content for video games and esports.

The partnership between VideoVerse and

Two major content creation companies have joined forces to expand into the video game and esports market by leveraging AI. is a company specializing in the automated generation of videos focused on esports and video games using AI. On the other hand, we have VideoVerse, which is a video editing software company.

The partnership of these companies promises to bring to another level the creation of content-implemented AI.

A promising partnership

VideoVerse has been characterized as a pioneer in video editing through a SaaS software-as-a-service platform. The company plans to incorporate the artificial intelligence offered by, thus providing all its users with much more sophisticated and complete solutions for creating esports and video game content. is a company that has developed artificial intelligence software that allows its users to evaluate hours and hours of recordings automatically. After this evaluation, the software can identify the most outstanding moments. This facilitates the work of creating video content; the software is designed especially for use by gamers and streamers.

Importance of artificial intelligence for content creation

As mentioned above, offers innovative software for all who create content. With that software, users can generate video summaries without spending hours and hours reviewing the material they have recorded. This is possible thanks to the implementation of artificial intelligence, which highlights the most important moments of the recordings.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, content creators can spend many more delicate hours producing videos; without worrying about spending a lot of time in the editing process. As a result, this technology allows people to produce and distribute videos faster and more efficiently.

Thanks to VideoVerse’s partnership with, a crucial turning point for development in the video game and esports industry has been reached. In short, the future of video editing will change drastically; thanks to artificial intelligence, video editing will become much easier.

This partnership aims to provide a cutting-edge tool to all content creators to facilitate creating, distributing, and increasing the reach of the videos they produce.

Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence is here to stay; thanks to its help, some tasks that require many hours can be made easier. The result is more optimal work in less time.