Apple Restores Developer Account to Epic, Fortnite Coming to iOS

Apple Restores Developer Account to Epic, Fortnite Coming to iOS

11. March 2024 by Never

In a surprising twist, Apple has promptly reinstated Epic Games’ developer account, paving the way for Fortnite’s return to iOS devices. This comes as a response to the European Digital Markets Act, which mandates Cupertino to allow third-party app stores.

Although Apple has managed to complicate matters, it appears that Epic Games’ initial plans to create a store for iOS remain intact.

Compliance with European Law

Apple’s swift action follows the scrutiny of European commissioners, posing a significant threat to Cupertino’s decision made last week. As detailed in the original news, Apple has encountered serious challenges in complying with the Digital Markets Act, leading to the removal of Epic’s developer account to prevent them from creating their store.

Legal Obligations

Apple is obligated to allow third-party app stores in Europe. While the recent arrival of iOS 17.4 seemed to comply with this requirement, Epic faced a major setback in bringing their store to iPhones: Cupertino had deleted their developer account.

Epic’s Response

In a sternly-worded letter, Epic accuses Apple of violating European law by canceling their account, hindering their ability to develop the Epic Games Store for iOS. This move eliminates one of Apple’s potential major competitors in the App Store, undermining fair competition on iOS devices.

Impact on Developers

Epic’s letter highlights the repercussions of Apple’s actions on other developers. By retaining the power to expel third-party marketplaces at their discretion, Apple discourages reasonable developers from utilizing such stores, fearing permanent disconnection from their audience.

Epic celebrates ‘a big win’ as Apple reverses course and promises to restore its iOS developer account: ‘We are moving forward as planned to launch the Epic Games Store and bring Fortnite back to iOS in Europe’
byu/ThunderArtifact infuckepic

Epic’s History with Apple

Epic emphasizes its longstanding relationship with Apple, having launched games and the Unreal Engine technology on the App Store and Apple Arcade. Despite previous confrontations, including a court case favoring Apple that led to Fortnite’s removal from iOS, Epic has persevered through web launchers.

Cancellation of Epic Games Store Launch on iOS Reflects Ongoing Legal Battle with Apple and Uncertain Future of App Distribution

Following these events, plans to launch the Epic Games Store on iOS devices are canceled. Whether these plans will be revived in the future hinges on the restoration of the developer account. As the legal and technological landscape evolves, the dynamic between Epic and Apple continues to shape the future of app distribution on iOS.