Apex Legends’ “Three Strikes” Mode Set for a Triumphant Return

Apex Legends’ “Three Strikes” Mode Set for a Triumphant Return

13. January 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Apex Legends’ highly acclaimed Limited Time Mode (LTM) “Three Strikes” is rumored to make a return from January 30 to February 13, following the ongoing Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII Rebirth collaboration event.

This would mark the third appearance of the popular game mode, initially launched in November 2023 alongside the Post Malone Apex collaboration.

A Brief History of Three Strikes

“Three Strikes” first debuted during the Post Malone collaboration, gaining instant popularity for its simplicity and exhilarating pace. The LTM’s unique mechanic allows teams to respawn until their third strike, adding a revenge-seeking twist to the traditional battle royale format.

After its initial success, Respawn Entertainment and EA quickly reintroduced the mode for a second limited stint due to popular demand.

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Celebrity Endorsement and Community Demand

  • Post Malone’s Advocacy: The famed artist not only headlined the launch event but also became a vocal supporter of the LTM. He showcased his enthusiasm during a live Three Strikes tournament stream with iiTzTimmy, and continued to play the mode post-tournament, broadcasting his enjoyment of its chaotic nature.
  • Fan Petitions: The mode’s removal led to a substantial fan response, including petitions on platforms like Change.org, urging for its permanent inclusion in Apex’s Mixtape rotation.

The Potential Impact of a Third Run

  • Reviving Player Interest: The return of Three Strikes could reignite interest among the Apex Legends community, with players indicating they would resume playing the game specifically for this mode.
  • Balancing Player Satisfaction: Amidst mixed reactions to the Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII Rebirth event, primarily due to its cost, reintroducing a well-liked and accessible mode like Three Strikes could significantly boost player satisfaction.

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Respawn’s Opportunity

Respawn Entertainment and EA have a prime opportunity to capitalize on the popularity of Three Strikes. Its reintroduction, especially if made permanent, could enhance the game’s appeal, retaining existing players and attracting new ones.

The community’s clear preference for Three Strikes underscores the importance of player feedback in shaping game content and experiences.

The Comeback of Apex Legends’ Fan-Favorite LTM: Three Strikes

The potential return of Three Strikes to Apex Legends is a reminder of how community engagement and response can influence game development. For Respawn and EA, this is an excellent chance to bolster the game’s appeal and ensure continued success by aligning with player preferences.