Apex Legends Pro Caprah ends career after insults are leaked

Apex Legends Pro Caprah ends career after insults are leaked

8. January 2023 by Andrew Williams

Esports Arena’s Jaeden “Caprah” Valle has gone off the deep end verbally and ended his career in Apex Legends after his insults were leaked to the public. The 16-year-old Apex Legends pro player said that he will no longer participate in the ALGS Playoffs in London or the Split Two Pro League after the leak of his mean messages to another player.

The offending messages have been directed at professional gamer Nicholas “Sikezz” Odom, who currently plays for Esports organization XSET. Caprah made several insulting comments about Sikezz in a Discord conversation on December 23.

Sikezz leaks screenshots of insults

Sikezz did not want to tolerate these insults and thus posted the screenshots of Caprah’s messages. Sikezz explained that other people have also tried to get Caprah to stop acting so toxic “behind closed doors,” but it didn’t help and the player didn’t change his behavior.

caprah insults sikezz in discord title

Pic.: Jaeden “Caprah” Valle insults Nicholas “Sikezz” Odom in discord

“It’s not about him getting terminated because of me, it’s about opening his eyes,” Sikezz said. When screenshots of the insults surfaced, there was an outcry in the community and Caprah was heavily criticized for his verbal gaffe.

Caprah ends Apex Legends career.

Shortly after, Caprah came forward and announced that he “admits his mistake” and will be retiring from the Apex Legends professional scene. “I will no longer be participating in the upcoming event in London because we have made a decision as a team,” Caprah said. “I know and will stand by the mistakes I made last year, I’m sorry for everyone who believed in me, and I will most likely not be playing in the Split Two Pro League.”

Caprah also said, “There is no point for me to finish/play this game, they opened my eyes and I will never play tournaments in Apex again. I don’t know if I’m a wasted talent, but there’s no place for me in this community anymore.” This sounds like taking the easy way out by just turning his back on the issue, if he will really work on his mindset might not be seen ever.


Player was partially defended

Although Caprah has caused a lot of criticism with his insults, some people have come to his defense, saying that while it’s absolutely not okay to insult another player like that, we’ve all made mistakes before and you don’t have to throw your whole career away because of it.

American TSM pro Phillip “ImperialHal” Dosen asked Caprah to reconsider the decision to leave Apex Legends for good, because at 16 years old, you can’t really understand how much is attached to such a decision. But it looks like Caprah will turn his back on professional Apex anyway.