Apex Legends: ALGS Championship Dates Leaked

Apex Legends: ALGS Championship Dates Leaked

6. July 2023 by miranda angeles

The dates for the Apex Legends Global Series Championship have recently been leaked. However, EA has quickly removed the information from their blog.

ALGS Championship dates leaked

As time passes, leaks of information about the Apex Legends Global Series are becoming increasingly frequent. In addition, with the playoffs approaching, more people are revealing data. For example, players make broadcasts to teach their followers new game strategies. In addition, some leakers are looking to provide extra information to the Apex community. However, leaks are never done directly by the game developer itself.

EA unveiled the first Positive Player Award, honoring the Apex professional who best exemplifies a positive and competitive spirit. But that’s not all. EA also unveiled a calendar with the date the winner will be announced during the ALGS Year 3 Championship.

According to EA’s publication, the award ceremony occurs on September 10. The most surprising thing is that this announcement was made before the ALGS.

ALGS Schedule

Last year the ALGS Playoffs were held from April 29 to May 1. At the same time, the championship took place from July 7 to 10. These international competitions were separated by two months. During the break time, Last Chance Qualifiers were held in each region. According to rumors for 2023, the roadmap will be similar to last year. The playoffs will be held from July 13 to 17, and the championship two months later.

However, the ALGS organizers have not officially confirmed the dates. So EA quickly removed their post mentioning the date of the ALGS championship. Although the date has a two-month gap between the events, the date published by EA may be a counter and not an information leak.

The Positive Player Award

Let’s talk briefly about the Positive Player Award that EA will give. This award will go home to the player who sets an example of good sportsmanship and treats his opponents fairly and generously.

According to EA’s Senior Vice President of Positive Play, Rachel Franklin, the Positive Player Award is a fantastic way for players to exemplify the values of a fair and ethical player.

Now, players and coaches can nominate the player who best fits the profile of a positive player. These nominations can be made from July 5 through July 17 while competing in the ALGS.

The results of these nominations will be announced on August 10, after which a panel of panelists will be tasked with narrowing the group down to three players. With the three finalists announced, the Apex community worldwide can vote for their favorite for that award. Finally, the winner of this important award will be announced on August 28.