Akshan Build Guides, Runes and Items

Akshan Build Guides, Runes and Items

6. January 2023 by Andrew Williams

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Akshan, The Rogue Sentinel, a formidable assassin and one of the most popular champions in League of Legends. Known for his dashing charisma, righteous vengeance, and a conspicuous lack of shirts, Akshan is highly skilled in the art of stealth combat, able to evade the eyes of his enemies and reappear when they least expect him.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to master Akshan, including his strengths, weaknesses, abilities, playstyle, and item builds. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the ropes with Akshan or an experienced player looking to improve your skills, this guide has something for you. So without further ado, let’s dive in and learn how to dominate the battlefield with Akshan, The Rogue Sentinel.

Fundamental Identity

One of the key things that sets Akshan apart as a champion is his versatility and adaptability. With a diverse ability kit that allows him to excel in multiple roles and positions on the battlefield, Akshan is a valuable asset to any team. Whether you play him as a top laner, mid laner, or ADC, Akshan has the tools to succeed.

As a top laner, Akshan can use his sustain and waveclear to control the lane and hold his own against tougher opponents. His mobility also allows him to roam and impact other parts of the map, making him a strong split-pusher and teamfighter.

As a mid laner, Akshan’s burst damage and mobility make him a formidable pick for picking off enemies and making plays. His ability to roam and impact other parts of the map also make him a strong candidate for the mid lane.

As an ADC, Akshan’s long range and high damage output make him a formidable force in teamfights. His mobility and versatility also allow him to excel in fast-paced, aggressive play styles as well as more controlled, calculated approaches.

No matter what role you play Akshan in, his diverse ability kit and adaptability make him a valuable asset to any team. For each role, we will delve into Akshan’s unique strengths and weaknesses, and provide tips and strategies for optimizing his playstyle and maximizing his potential in that role.

Pros and Cons

One of the most crucial factors to consider when picking a champion is their strengths and weaknesses. In this section, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using Akshan in a match, helping you make an informed decision about whether or not he is the right pick for your team and play style.

Whether you are new to Akshan or an experienced player looking to fine-tune your strategy, this section will give you a comprehensive overview of what to expect when using this formidable assassin. So without further ado, let’s dive in and discover the pros and cons of using Akshan on the battlefield!


We will go over the pros first.

  • Strong Early Game: Akshan is a terror in the early game, with strong damage and mobility that allows him to dominate his opponents and secure kills. His ability to get an early lead can set him up for success throughout the rest of the game.
  • Itemspikes: Akshan has the potential to become a monster as the game goes on, with his abilities scaling extremely well with items. If you can get your hands on the right items, you’ll be able to dish out massive amounts of damage and take out enemies before they even know what hit them.
  • Carry Potential: Speaking of taking out enemies, Akshan is all about killing things. His burst damage and mobility make him great at picking off enemies, and he can often secure kills even when he’s at a disadvantage. Just make sure you don’t get too cocky – Akshan can be a bit of a glass cannon if you’re not careful.
  • High Mobility: Akshan’s mobility is top-notch, allowing him to quickly move around the battlefield and get into position to unleash his deadly attacks. This makes him great at chasing down enemies, escaping danger, and positioning himself to get the upper hand in fights.
  • Resets: Akshan’s abilities allow him to reset his basic attacks, allowing him to chain together multiple basic attacks in quick succession. This allows him to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time, making him a formidable force in teamfights.
  • Good Waveclear: Akshan has strong waveclear, allowing him to quickly clear minion waves and push lanes. This can be useful for taking down towers, securing objectives, and setting up for teamfights.
  • Revive Allies: Akshan has the unique ability to revive his allies upon killing the enemy champions that killed them. This can be a powerful tool for turning the tide of a fight and helping your team make a comeback.


We will go over the cons now:

  • Squishy: Akshan is a bit of a glass cannon, with low base defenses and a reliance on his abilities to deal damage. This can make him vulnerable to burst damage and easy to take out if he’s caught off guard.
  • Can struggle against sustain: Akshan’s abilities are largely focused on dealing damage, which can make him struggle against champions with strong sustain or healing abilities. If he can’t take out his enemies quickly, he may have a hard time dealing with them over the long term.
  • Needs good positioning: Akshan’s abilities require good positioning in order to be effective, and he can struggle if he’s out of position or caught in a bad spot. Paying attention to your positioning and knowing when to retreat or engage can be crucial to success with Akshan.
  • Vulnerable to cancels: Akshan’s Heroic Swing ability leaves him in a vulnerable state, as it can be easily interrupted or cancelled by certain champions or abilities. This can leave him vulnerable to counterattacks or escapes, so it’s important to use this ability wisely and make sure you have backup before using it.

Akshan’s Abilities

In this section, we will delve into Akshan’s abilities and explore how to use them to devastating effect on the battlefield. Whether you’re looking to take down enemies with precision strikes or vanish into the shadows and strike from the shadows, Akshan’s abilities have you covered. So without further ado, let’s dive in and discover the power of Akshan’s abilities!

Passive: Dirty Fighting

​​akshan dirty fightingAkshan’s passive ability gives him a few extra perks when attacking enemies. Whenever Akshan launches an attack, he has the option to either fire an additional shot for 50% of his attack damage as physical damage, or cancel the shot and gain a burst of movement speed instead.

For example, if Akshan is chasing an enemy and wants to close the distance quickly, he might cancel the additional shot and gain movement speed instead. On the other hand, if he’s looking to deal as much damage as possible, he might choose to fire the additional shot and add more damage to his attack.

Additionally, every three hits that Akshan lands with attacks or abilities will deal an extra 10-165 magic damage to his target. This can add up to a lot of extra damage over time, and can help him take down enemies more quickly.

Finally, when Akshan kills enemy champions, he gains a temporary shield that lasts for 2 seconds. This shield will absorb 40-280 (+0.35 per bonus attack damage) damage, helping him survive longer in fights. Overall, Akshan’s passive is a helpful addition to his arsenal, giving him extra damage and survivability in combat.”

Q: Avengerang

akshan avengerangAkshan’s Avengerang ability allows him to throw a boomerang at his enemies, dealing physical damage and extending the range of the attack each time it hits an enemy. The boomerang will deal 5/25/45/65/85 (+0.8 per attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy it hits, and will continue to deal damage as it bounces between enemies.

In addition to dealing damage, Avengerang also grants Akshan a burst of movement speed when it hits enemy champions. This movement speed will decay over time, so it’s important to make use of it quickly. Thanks to the damage and movement speed from Avengerang, Akshan is able to harass the enemy and close the gap between them, setting himself up for success in the lane.

W: Going Rogue

akshan going rogueAkshan’s Going Rogue ability has two parts: a passive effect and an active effect.

The passive effect of Going Rogue causes enemy champions that kill Akshan’s allies to become “Scoundrels” for 60 seconds. If Akshan can take down one of these Scoundrels within 3 seconds of being damaged by them, he will gain 100 gold, revive all of his allies that were killed by the Scoundrel, and remove the Scoundrel status from all other enemies. This can be a powerful tool for making comebacks and helping Akshan’s team get back on track after a setback.

The active effect of Going Rogue allows Akshan to become camouflaged for a short time, or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While camouflaged, Akshan gains a burst of movement speed and bonus mana regeneration, and he becomes more powerful the more mana he is missing. This can be useful for sneaking up on enemies, escaping danger, or setting up for an ambush.

E: Heroic Swing

akshan heroic swingAkshan’s Heroic Swing ability allows him to zip around the battlefield and attack his enemies from unexpected angles. The ability has three parts: the first cast, the second cast, and the third cast.

The first cast of Heroic Swing involves Akshan firing a grappling hook that attaches to the first terrain it hits. This sets the stage for the next two parts of the ability.

The second cast of Heroic Swing involves Akshan swinging around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy. Each shot deals 30/45/60/75/90 (+0.175 per bonus attack damage) * (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus attack speed) physical damage to the target. This can be a great way to deal damage and disrupt enemies from a distance.

The third cast of Heroic Swing involves Akshan diving off the rope and firing a final shot at his target. This shot deals additional damage and can be used to finish off enemies or deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

R: Comeuppance

akshan comeuppanceAkshan’s ultimate ability is a powerful and versatile attack that can be used to deal a lot of damage to his enemies. The ability allows Akshan to lock onto a target and begin overcharging his gun for up to 2.5 seconds, storing up to 5/6/7 bullets in the process.

Once Akshan has stored up the maximum number of bullets, he can recast the ability to unleash the stored bullets at his enemies. Each bullet deals at least 20/25/30 (+0.1 per attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy or structure it hits. However, the damage dealt by the bullets increases the lower the target’s health is, up to a maximum of 300% physical damage. This makes the ultimate ability particularly effective against enemies who are low on health.

Early Game:

Akshan Build

Now that we’ve taken a closer look at Akshan’s abilities, it’s time to start putting them to use on the battlefield. In this section, we’ll explore how to play Akshan in the early game, focusing on his role in the top lane, mid lane, and bottom lane. No matter which lane you find yourself in, Akshan is a formidable champion with the potential to dominate the early game and set the stage for success later on. So without further ado, let’s dive in and discover how to play Akshan in the early stages of a match!

Akshan Core Items

Taking Down Mid:

When it comes to playing Akshan in the mid lane, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that Akshan is a ranged champion with a diverse kit of abilities that can be used to harass and disrupt his enemies. In the early game, focus on last-hitting minions and using your abilities to harass and zone your opponent, while also being mindful of their abilities and positioning.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that many mid lane champions have mana problems early in the game, and can be vulnerable if they overextend or miss their skillshots. By dodging these attacks and conserving your own mana, you can set yourself up for success later in the game when you have more items and can start looking for more aggressive trades.

Finally, remember that Akshan is a strong roam and can have a big impact on other lanes and in the jungle. If you find yourself with a lead in the mid lane, consider pushing your advantage and looking for opportunities to roam and make plays elsewhere on the map.

The Top Lane:

When it comes to playing Akshan in the top lane, there are a few key things to keep in mind. As a ranged champion, Akshan can struggle in matchups against melee champions who are able to get close to him and deal a lot of damage in short bursts. In these situations, it’s important to focus on last-hitting minions and using your abilities to harass and zone your opponent, while also being mindful of their abilities and positioning.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that many top lane champions are vulnerable in the early game, and can be taken advantage of if you play aggressively and look for opportunities to trade blows. By paying attention to your opponent’s movements and positioning, you can look for openings to deal damage and push your advantage.

As you progress through the laning phase, it’s important to keep an eye on your opponent’s ultimate ability. Many melee champions have powerful ultimates that can be used to initiate all-ins and kill you, so it’s important to be prepared to defend yourself and survive these threats.

Bot Lane Carry

When it comes to playing Akshan in the bottom lane, there are a few key things to keep in mind. One of the biggest advantages of playing Akshan in the bottom lane is the fact that it is a long lane, which allows you to use your grappling hook to extend your range and secure kills before your enemies can reach the safety of their tower. At the same time, the long lane also provides you with plenty of space to retreat or juke using your stealth if you need to.

It’s important to remember that Akshan can be vulnerable to ganks in the bottom lane, so it’s crucial to pay attention to the map and be prepared to defend yourself if you see enemies approaching. By failing to avoid ganks, you risk falling behind and allowing other lanes to get ahead, so it’s important to be proactive and use your abilities to avoid being caught out.

Overall, playing Akshan in the bottom lane requires a combination of aggressive play and careful positioning, as you look to take advantage of your range and mobility to secure kills and push your advantage


When it comes to teamfighting with Akshan, there are a few key things to keep in mind. As a ranged champion with strong mobility and burst damage, Akshan is well-suited to picking off isolated enemies and dealing significant damage to the enemy team. However, it’s important to remember that Akshan can be vulnerable to crowd control and focused fire, so it’s crucial to position yourself carefully and avoid being caught out.

In teamfights, Akshan’s role is typically to deal damage and disrupt the enemy team, using his abilities to pick off isolated enemies and peel for his allies. You should be looking to capitalize on your teammates’ engage and get some resets for your E ability, rather than trying to play front to back with auto attacks. Try to get value out of either your E or your W ability to get into the enemy backline and start blowing up their squishy targets. Sometimes you will have to wait for key cooldowns to be used before you can safely go in, so make sure you think about that.

Suppose we have a Maokai, Sejuani, Akali, Caitlyn and Bard in the enemy team. In this teamfight, Akshan’s primary targets will likely be Akali in the mid lane and Caitlyn in the bottom lane, as they are both relatively squishy and vulnerable to his burst damage. To start the fight, Akshan will look to position himself at the edge of the fight, using his stealth to avoid being targeted by the enemy team’s crowd control abilities.

Once his teammates have engaged the fight, Akshan will look to use his Avengerang ability to single out Akali and Caitlyn, focusing on hitting as many shots as possible to maximize his damage output. If Akali or Caitlyn attempt to retreat, Akshan can use his Heroic Swing ability to chase them down and continue dealing damage.

At the same time, Akshan will also need to be mindful of Maokai and Sejuani, as they both have strong engage abilities that could potentially catch him out. In this case, Akshan will look to use his stealth and mobility to avoid being caught by their abilities, and focus on dealing as much damage as possible to the enemy backline.

Akshan’s Matchups

In this section, we’ll be taking a closer look at Akshan’s matchups against specific champions in the game. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both Akshan and his opponents, we can get a better understanding of how he performs in different lanes and against different playstyles.

Keep in mind that these matchups are just a general guide, and the actual outcome of a game will depend on a variety of factors, including player skill, team composition, and overall strategy. However, by understanding the key strengths and weaknesses of each champion, you can make more informed decisions about which champions to pick and how to play against them.

With that in mind, let’s dive in and explore Akshan’s matchups against some of the most popular champions in the game.

Tristana and Hypercarry Marksmen:

Against Tristana, Akshan may struggle to get close enough to deal significant damage, as Tristana’s long-range attacks and mobility can make it difficult for Akshan to get within range. In addition, Tristana’s body-blocking abilities can prevent Akshan from using his Heroic Swing ability to escape or initiate fights.

To counter these challenges, Akshan has a few options. One strategy is to push the lane aggressively, allowing Akshan to roam and potentially secure kills in other lanes. Alternatively, Akshan can let the enemy team push the lane and wait for an opportunity to be ganked, or try to initiate fights himself and keep the enemy team on the back foot.

Overall, the key to success against Tristana will be to stay out of her range as much as possible, and look for opportunities to get close and deal damage when she is distracted or out of position. With careful positioning and good timing, Akshan should be able to hold his own against Tristana in the laning phase.

Pyke and Engage Supports

Against Pyke, Akshan may struggle to escape or initiate fights effectively, as Pyke’s close-range abilities and mobility can make it difficult for Akshan to use his Heroic Swing ability. In addition, Pyke’s stun and body-blocking abilities can prevent Akshan from positioning himself effectively in fights.

As a result, Akshan may find it difficult to deal with Pyke in the laning phase, especially if Pyke is paired with a mobile or aggressive carry. In this case, it may be best to consider banning Pyke in order to avoid facing him in the game.

Alternatively, Akshan can try to outplay Pyke by predicting his movements and positioning himself carefully to avoid being caught by his abilities. However, this will require a high level of skill and awareness, and may not always be feasible in the heat of the moment.

Lux and other Artillery Mages:

Against Lux, Akshan may struggle to deal damage or initiate fights effectively, as Lux’s long-range abilities and crowd control can make it difficult for Akshan to get close enough to deal significant damage. In particular, Lux’s root can disrupt Akshan’s Heroic Swing ability, making it difficult for him to escape or position himself effectively in fights.

To counter these challenges, Akshan has a few options. One strategy is to focus on leveling up his Avengerang ability, which has a longer range and can be used to harass Lux from a safe distance. Alternatively, Akshan can consider purchasing items such as Wit’s End or Cleanse to help counter Lux’s crowd control effects.

Tryndamere and other Melee Bruisers

igniteAgainst Tryndamere, Akshan may struggle to deal damage or initiate fights effectively in the mid to late game, as Tryndamere’s high damage and healing can make him difficult to take down. However, Akshan has the advantage in the early game, as he can use his mobility and range to harass Tryndamere and prevent him from farming effectively.

To take advantage of this early game advantage, Akshan can consider taking Ignite as his summoner spell and focusing on leveling up his Heroic Swing ability. By keeping the wave in the middle of the lane and harassing Tryndamere with auto attacks and his E ability, Akshan can look to punish Tryndamere if he wastes his dash ability or overextends in the lane.


In this section, we’ll go over some of the key combos that Akshan can use to deal damage, initiate fights, and position himself effectively in team fights. By mastering these combos, Akshan players will be able to make the most of his diverse ability kit and maximize his impact in matches.

Basic Trading

This combo could be used in a variety of situations, such as when Akshan is looking to deal damage to an enemy champion in a 1v1 situation, or when he is trying to clear a wave of minions quickly. To execute this combo, Akshan would start by using his basic attacks to deal damage to the target, then follow up with his Q ability, Avengerang, to deal additional damage and gain movement speed. Finally, he would use his E ability, Heroic Swing, to swing around the terrain and repeatedly fire at the enemy, dealing even more damage. This combo allows Akshan to quickly and efficiently deal a large amount of damage to an enemy champion or clear a wave of minions.

Full Burst

This combo could be used when Akshan is trying to take down an enemy champion who is low on health, or when he is trying to secure a kill in a team fight. To execute this combo, Akshan would start by using his basic attacks to deal damage to the target, then follow up with his Q ability, Avengerang, to deal additional damage and gain movement speed. He would then use his E ability, Heroic Swing, to swing around the terrain and repeatedly fire at the enemy, dealing even more damage. Finally, he would use his ultimate ability to lock onto the enemy and unleash a burst of stored bullets, dealing a massive amount of damage and potentially securing the kill. This combo requires precise timing and coordination, but can be devastating when executed correctly.


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner just starting out, you now have the tools and knowledge you need to take on the Rift as this dashing champion. Akshan fights evil with righteous vengeance and a conspicuous lack of shirts, using his stealth combat skills to evade his enemies and strike when they least expect it. With his diverse ability kit, he can play in any lane and adapt to any situation. Whether you’re using his passive to gain movement speed or his ultimate to unleash a burst of stored bullets, Akshan is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. So don your stealthiest garb and get out there, because it’s time to fight for what’s right, and look good doing it!